Mar Salá Band at Lizarrán. Celebrating a year!!!! Oct.2010-2011

Gigs on Fridays at Lizarran Restaurant@45 Mercer street in Soho. It's fun to play with such amazing musicians as Liz Taub, Willie Harvey or Raphael Brunn. Every Friday there is a different composition in the band. Every Friday it is a surprise!!!Cada viernes vienen músicos diferentes, lo que da diferente color y hace que la música se mantenga fresca.
Different musicians, different programs...The songs acquire different nuances and I love our improv. People are very responsive and enjoy our music. So they say...Me encantan las improvisaciones y la libertad de explorar con nuevos instrumentos...
The acoustics are really good, but you may still chat and enjoy your dinner...For me, it is good to be in the background and enjoy the connection with the musicians and the music itself. No need for the full attention of the audience. I like it laid back...No me importa que la gente hable y disfrute de su charla. Por el contrario, me gusta mantenerme en un segundo plano. A veces. :):)
 Other times people bring their dancing shoes and the party goes on and on and on and on....Claro, que hay veces que la gente viene con ganas de  marcha y hay que dársela...
 With Carlitos Maldonado and Carlos Mena, Mar Sala Band wakes everyone up!!!! Carlos Mena, directamente de Ecuador!!!!!