¡Conciertazo en el Instituto Cervantes! El público se lo pasó fenomenal y nosotros también. En un futuro convendría mejorar el sistema de sonido, pero a pesar de todo, pudimos hacer un buen trabajo...

Fue como tocar en casa. It was like playing at home. I felt very much at ease and the audience was fun and receptive.. Great audience for wonderful musicians!! Thanks to all of you!!!
We played new and old songs that were welcomed by the audience with dancing, cheering and laughing with the band

This was a super concert!! Both the band and the audience had a great
time...Only if the sound had been better...but nevertheless we were
able to do quite a great job,..Victor Prieto played with his unique accordion sound.

The whole band...we sold out!!! Victor Prieto(accordion), Coque González (electric guitar), Dan Martinez (bass) and Carlitos Maldonado (percussion)..Grrrreat combo!!!